Ed Atkinson is an experienced Norfolk Car Accident Lawyer who understands Insurance Claims
I spent years working for insurance companies defending negligent drivers – the insurance companies who write policies for them – and I know how these companies and their lawyers operate. In certain cases, motor vehicle accident victims suffer brain damage or other neurological injuries, requiring a lifetime of care. Ed Atkinson is the Norfolk personal injury lawyer you need to seek maximum financial compensation as an injured driver or passenger. Negligent operation of a motor vehicle can result in multiple car collisions with serious injuries and even wrongful death. It is not uncommon to see neck and back injuries, slipped discs and spinal trauma, but other types of injuries in car crashes can occur, including burns and bruising from airbag deployment, cuts from broken glass and sharp metal edges, or damage to knees and other joints. Hopefully, with physical therapy and/or surgery and rehabilitation, a full recovery can be achieved. Sometimes amputation becomes necessary, or other permanent disfigurement results, which can be a major factor in pain and suffering.